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Each spring, Red knots travel more than 9,000 miles from their wintering areas in Tierra del Fuego, South America to their breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic.

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Mission of Conserve Wildlife Foundation

Keeping New Jersey's Wildlife in our Future

Image of A typical sunset on Delaware Bay in the spring.A typical sunset on Delaware Bay in the spring. © Jan van de Kam

New Jersey has a rich biodiversity that belies its small size and urban reputation. In every corner of our state, species of wildlife, considered rare and imperiled enough to be protected by state or federal law, are woven in to the tapestry of life in our state.

Rare wildlife species live, much like New Jersey residents, in the mountains of the north, the pastoral farmland of central New Jersey, the bays and swamps along our coasts as well as on skyscrapers, bridges and at the edges of suburban subdivisions.

These species live a challenged life where roads represent impenetrable obstacles, developments spell the demise of habitat and contamination in wetlands can wipe out an entire generation.

It is our duty, and our privilege, to protect these species. We gather the best science, tried and true conservation techniques, innovative education activities and an engaged corps of willing volunteers in pursuit of the right combination of activities that will preserve a species before it disappears from our state; help another population recover or; highlight some bird, fish, mammal or insect that must be protected before it slides towards extinction.

Our mission is to preserve rare and imperiled species of wildlife that live and breed in, and migrate through New Jersey. We do this by:

  • Carrying out research on species, populations and natural communities.
  • Implementing conservation plans on species or populations to stall declines and start recovery.
  • Restoring habitat so that it can be as productive as possible for wildlife and other natural communities.
  • Educating everyone who lives in New Jersey about our shared wild heritage and our shared responsibility to protect it.
  • Engaging partners to make us effective and efficient in the use of our resources.
  • Developing a committed corps of volunteers connected to our state’s wonderful biodiversity and working hard to protect it.

CWF Vision:

We are looking, and working, towards a future where New Jersey is home to greater numbers of rare species, stronger populations and enough good habitat to support them.

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Help Support Our Work

Image of osprey platform install - thumb

There are many ways to support rare species conservation in New Jersey. Your gift benefits us all by helping to protect our precious natural heritage.

Donate Now >>


CWF 2015 Annual Report Story Map

Image of 2015 CWF annual report

Visit the multiple pages within this Story Map to learn about CWF’s many projects and partnerships in 2015, and the imperiled wildlife species in need of our help. Find examples of the innovative and dedicated leadership of our biologists and volunteers. And take an online journey across the state to learn how our projects made a difference in all corners of New Jersey in 2015 – a great year for wildlife in the Garden State!

>> Visit the Story Map


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