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< January 2022 >

Check out the CWF events and other wildlife and environmental events below.

Thursday, January 20th, 2022

Winter Raptors Webinar


Time & Place

5:00pm to 7:00pm

More Information


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Length ~2 hours Cost $15

Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ will share his experience working with raptors, including ospreys, peregrine falcons, and bald eagles in coastal New Jersey over the past 15 years. He’ll discuss their identification, life history, current management, and status. Attendees will also learn what they can do to help these majestic birds of prey throughout their range in New Jersey and beyond.

Pamela Dimeler will present a program sharing her observations of a family of barred owls in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Barred owls are known for their call that sounds like the phrase: “Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?” In this multimedia program, you will learn all about this secretive, unique, and very inquisitive owl. Pam will share photographs and videos of the Barred Owl’s behaviors in the wild, including her close encounter with two juvenile barred owlets. Pam will also discuss the dangers they face in the wild, such as the destruction of their habitat and the impact from the use of rodenticides.


Events Calendar 

< < Jan 2022 > >