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Sunday, September 23rd 2012

Check out the CWF events and other wildlife and environmental events below.

Hike at Ballanger Creek


Time & Place

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 pm
Ballanger Creek Habitat Enhancement Site, Rt. 9 across from Jericho Rd., Bass River Twp., NJ

More Information

Ben Wurst | 609.628.2103 | Email | Web | Map

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Come out and join us for the opening of a new portion of Bass River State Forest after we enhanced wildlife habitat on site. There are three new hiking trails on site that traverse unique habitat on the edge of the pine barrens and coastal saltmarshes. Lots of wildlife abound at the site, which is a great site for birding and landscape photography. The trails are complimented by a series of interpretive signs that give information on the site and some of the plants and animals that can be seen in the area.


Events Calendar 

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