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2011 Honorees

At our Women & Wildlife Awards Reception on March 27, 2011, Dr. Erica Miller and Linda Tesauro will be awarded for their work, the advances they have made for women in their professions and the contributions they have made to New Jersey’s wildlife. Awards are made for Leadership and Inspiration.



Image of Dr. Erica Miller examines the wing of a brown pelican during the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010.Zoom+ Dr. Erica Miller examines the wing of a brown pelican during the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010. © Jenn (JT) Blatty

As a renowned veterinarian and wildlife rehabilitator, Dr. Erica A. Miller is a proven leader in the wildlife rehabilitation community at both the state and national level.

Erica has been instrumental to the success of New Jersey's Bald Eagle Project for the past 16 years. She has volunteered her services, conducting eagle health checks and assisting with the banding of eaglets. As a member of the New Jersey Endangered and Non-Game Advisory Council since 2005, she has provided valuable expertise on wildlife health, disease, toxicology and rehabilitation.

As a past president and multi-term member of the Board of Directors for the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association, Erica has developed the standards of ethics and professionalism in her field. Through her work as a staff surgeon at Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research, Erica has saved thousands of creatures. She shares her professional expertise with wildlife rehabilitators, wildlife resource managers, veterinarians, veterinary students and volunteers on a daily basis. As an oil spill response expert, Erica spent six months on the Gulf of Mexico last year where she treated over 1,400 birds, established four treatment centers and brought her considerable expertise to rehabilitating the wildlife impacted by the environmental disaster.



Image of In founding Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, Linda Tesauro helped insure the protection of eaglets and other rare wildlife.Zoom+ In founding Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, Linda Tesauro helped insure the protection of eaglets and other rare wildlife. © Kathy Clark/ENSP

As Founding Executive Director of Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, Linda Tesauro built on her years of experience in fund development, program administration, strategic planning and marketing to create an instrumental nonprofit to protect the State’s rare wildlife population.

Critical habitat was being lost to land development at an alarming rate and aggressive conservation efforts were needed to ensure the protection of New Jersey’s endangered and threatened species. As a State organization, the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Endangered and Nongame Species Program lacked the financial resources to increase its staff and expand research. Linda recognized that by creating a statewide nonprofit, it could help to raise funds and heighten public awareness for this important mission. Thus in 1998 the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey was created.

Working with a dedicated Board of Trustees, Linda focused her fundraising and management skills on establishing a strong base of support and credibility upon which CWF’s programs and alliances have been built, recognizing that partnerships among government, the corporate community and the nonprofit sector could make a difference.

Inspired by her biologist son’s love of nature, Linda’s dedication to wildlife has established the base of support and credibility upon with the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey’s programs and partnerships have been built for over 12 years, and she is an inspiration to those who continue her legacy.

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Duke Farms Eagle Cam

Image of eaglecam thumb

Check out the live stream from a bald eagle nest at Duke Farms in New Jersey. Follow along as they breed, incubate, and raise their young.