Another Bat Species in Peril

by Meaghan Lyon, Wildlife Biologist

Shortly after the USFWS announced that the Northern long-eared bat was being proposed for uplisting to an endangered species, another announcement regarding the tricolored bat was released.

Tricolored Bats
Photo by Pete Pattavina/USFWS

In mid-September, the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) was proposed to be listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Based on a thorough review of the species’ status, the Service found that the tricolored bat has declined dramatically across its range. Just as white-nose syndrome has been the cause of population decline for the northern long-eared bat, the tricolored bat has been similarly impacted. An estimated decline of more than 90 percent was found in affected tricolored bat colonies and white-nose syndrome is currently present across 59 percent of the species’ range.

This bat species is most vulnerable in the winter when they hibernate in caves, abandoned mines, and abandoned tunnels where white-nose fungus can spread rapidly. During the months of spring, summer and fall, tricolored bats roost primarily among leaf clusters of live or recently dead deciduous hardwood trees. They also can roost in treetop clusters of Spanish moss or bearded lichen.

For more information on the tri-colored bat see,

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