Vernal Pool Construction Completed

By Karena DiLeo

Cape May, New Jersey- Conserve Wildlife Foundation (CWF) in partnership with NJDEP, Mosquito Control, Atlantic City Electric and USFWS recently completed construction of a series of vernal pools in Cape May, NJ. This is the second complex in a series of pools along the “spine” of the Peninsula to create sustainable vernal-pool habitat above anticipated sea-level rise.

Completed vernal pool along Atlantic City Electric right-of-way
Completed vernal pool along Atlantic City Electric right-of-way (c) Karena DiLeo

These pools will also create a migration corridor for assemblages of amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates to increase meta-population dynamics and allow species to move northward off the Peninsula.

Following excavation of the pools, CWF, USFWS, and Atlantic City Electric held a volunteer

Atlantic City Electric and USFWS volunteers planting native shrubs (c) Wayne Russell
Atlantic City Electric and USFWS volunteers planting native shrubs (c) Wayne Russell

planting day to plant native shrubs along the pools to enhance habitat and stabilize berms. Native shrubs including: buttonbush, low-bush blueberry, inkberry holly, sweet pepper bush, and beach plum were generously donated by Atlantic City Electric.

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  1. These efforts are so worthwhile! They are beneficial for the wildlife and serve as a valuable means of further educating the public.

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