Happy New Year from CWF!
Our “Wildlife” New Year’s Resolutions
by Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager
We always like to think of more ways we can help protect rare wildlife in New Jersey. Last year CWF staff made “wildlife” New Year’s resolutions. From protecting terrapins and bats to encouraging teachers to use our Eagle and Peregrine Cams and of course to get out in the field more! We were certainly busy this past year and many species of wildlife had a banner year. Check out our annual status report to read more about some of our achievements in 2010. Thank you to all of our members and donors for your support! Here are a few more “wildlife” resolutions from the CWF team for 2011. Happy New Year!!
- “My New Year’s Resolution is to get out in the field more often with the wonderful biologists at CWF. As Executive Director, I spend a lot of time in the office making sure that everything is running smoothly or, out on the road raising funds to support our mission. As such, I rarely get to witness the hard work of the biologists who are engaged every day, on the ground doing projects to recover and grow populations of rare wildlife. Each time I visit with a biologist, I come away with more energy and more passion for the work we all do which in turn makes me better at my job.” – Margaret O’Gorman, Executive Director
- “I’m going to resolve to spend every opportunity outdoors this summer, unlike the last.” – Mike Davenport, Marine Species and GIS Programs Manager
- “New Jersey’s piping plover produced a record number of chicks in 2010, so here’s hoping that translates into a much needed increase in the breeding population in 2011. Also, wishing that our conservation partners on the beach nesting bird project (and for all projects for that matter) continue to work together to advance our conservation goals in the state.” – Todd Pover, Beach Nesting Bird Project Manager
- I would just like for people to be more aware of wildlife while driving. Stop and help that turtle to cross the road!
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Great picture and wonderful resolutions! I resolve to get outside every day this year, even if its only for a few minutes to soak up the sun and fresh air!
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