Photo From the Field: #213

Ben Wurst, CWF Habitat Program Manager (right) with local volunteers, AC Electric and DuBois Environmental Staff who helped install this osprey nest platform in Atlantic City.

Ospreys dominate our coastal landscape these days. They are a symbol of a healthy coast with plenty of preserved open space, protected marine areas, and abundant prey. Occasionally they can get into situations which cause issues in our human dominated landscape.

As the population thrives and continues to grow, they seek out new nest sites. Sometimes, those nest sites are man-made structures like utility poles, communication towers, boat lifts and docks. Late last month, in Atlantic City, ospreys decided to start building a nest on a utility pole along the edge of a tidal creek. The result was a power outage for all of Brigantine.

As we are generally NOT installing new nest platforms to expand the population, we still do install them as a management tool — to get them away from equipment like utility poles. We want to protect both the birds and our infrastructure, but it is a delicate balance. Partnering with utility companies, like Atlantic City Electric, to address these situations is key. They are always looking to protect the interests of ospreys while providing a critical service to their customers. We are thankful for their commitment to protecting avian species from their infrastructure.

This osprey platform was #213 installed by Ben Wurst, our Habitat Program Manager since 2004.

Thank you to all our amazing donors, volunteers and partners who help make New Jersey Osprey Project possible!

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