CWF In The News: Endangered NJ bird makes a comeback; now you can help protect them
originally posted by Jen Ursillo, New Jersey 101.5

The population of the endangered beach-nesting piping plover is growing in New Jersey with 137 nesting pairs found in 2021, up from 103 pairs found in 2020, according to The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.
That’s a 33% increase, which is unprecedented in New Jersey, said senior wildlife biologist, Todd Pover. The number of nesting pairs fluctuates year-to-year so while the conservationists are excited about 2021’s numbers, the hope is to maintain that number in 2022.
The goal is to protect the piping plover which likes to nest on beaches and in New Jersey, that’s challenging since our beaches are some of the busiest in the northeast, said Pover.
But in the past five years, there has been an increase in the number of chicks that are fledged, meaning they’ve reached the level where they can fly so they’re successful. Pover believes that’s contributed to the jump to some degree this year…
Read More: Endangered NJ bird makes a comeback; now you can help protect them