Celebrating Earth Day with “Boots Not Suits” in Union County

A huge crowd turned out for “Boots, not Suits” – a fun and educational event in which participants had the opportunity to plant native trees along the park’s nature trail, which follows Trotter’s Branch, a tributary of the Elizabeth River. Sixty-six saplings were donated to the park by Phillips 66 Bayway Refinery. The company pledged to donate additional funds in support of Groundwork Elizabeth’s conservation goals for each of the 30 Phillips 66 employees who helped with the planting, including Manager of Public Affairs and CWF board member Nancy Sadlon. Nancy joined Lucy Crespo of Groundwork Elizabeth, New Jersey Senator Joseph Cryan, and Elizabeth Mayor Christian Bollwage at the podium to talk about the consequences of global climate change and the need for everyone to contribute to the solution. The formal ceremony concluded with children from the Elizabeth Public Schools vowing to be environmental stewards and spreading Captain Planet’s “the power is yours!” mantra far and wide.
After all the trees had been planted, the event continued with a stream cleanup, games, food trucks, and prizes.
Additional attendees included the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Elizabeth Public Works, the Elizabeth Police Department, Atalanta Corp, Rutgers CEED (Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease), the Society for Ethical Culture, and NAACP Elizabeth Branch. I had the pleasure of representing CWF, along with fellow staff biologist Sherry Tirgrath and senior intern Nikki Griffiths. We look forward to continued work with our partners in Union County.