Ridge Street School Kindergarteners Love Learning About New Jersey’s Wildlife

The Kindergarteners at Ridge Street School in Newark, New Jersey, have been utilizing
Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s Soaring with STEAM curriculum in their classrooms. From
snakes and turtles to whales and woodpeckers, the students are learning all about the endangered
species that call New Jersey home as well as the unique habitats in which they reside. Each
lesson includes hands-on activities to drive home what they have learned, with all materials
provided by CWF.
Students have enjoyed using their creativity to make each lesson activity their own! They have
been given the opportunity to build snake dens, design a habitat for their favorite animals, and
practice breathing like humpback whales. Kindergarten teacher Aracelys Muniz says students
look forward to these lessons each week and call their CWF lesson days the “Best day ever!”.
By providing positive experiences for students at such a young age in the realm of wildlife
sciences, we hope to engage with and inspire the next generation of environmental stewards. Our
goal is for students to remember our lessons beyond the classroom, becoming excited to continue
learning on their own and sharing their knowledge with their friends, families, and communities.
CWF thanks PSEG Foundation, Victoria Foundation, The Merrill G. and Emita E.
Hastings Foundation, David A. and Carol B. Lackland Family Foundation, and the Zoological
Society of New Jersey for their generous support for our work with Newark Public Schools.