Loggerhead shrike
ExploreLanius ludovicianus migrans
Type: bird
Species Guide
Loggerhead shrike
Lanius ludovicianus migrans
Species Type: bird
Conservation Status:
The loggerhead shrike is about the size of a robin. They have a large gray head. The bill is hooked and black. They have a black facial mask that extends across the forehead and behind the eyes. The plumage on the back is gray. The wings are black with a white patch at the base of the outer wing or flight feathers. The tail is black and the underparts are pale gray.
The loggerhead shrike lacks is a predator, but it lacks sharp talons like those found on hawks. Instead it has the legs and feet typical of passerines or songbirds. The sexes are similar in plumage. Male shrikes are larger than females. Juvenile shrikes are duller in color than adults. They have brown flight feathers and are faintly marked with buff barring on their bodies. Loggerhead shrikes often perch in a horizontal posture on fence posts or wires. They fly in a low, undulating (up and down) flight with quick wingbeats.
The name shrike comes from the word “shriek.” It refers to the vocalizations of these birds. Shrikes emit both harsh, screeching calls as well as a musical song. The song of the loggerhead shrike consists of a series of two-noted liquid trills and guttural notes repeated over short intervals.
Distribution & Habitat
Distribution and Habitat
The loggerhead shrike is widely distributed throughout North America. They occur from southern Canada throughout the United States south to Mexico.
Loggerhead shrikes inhabit a variety of open areas. Habitat types include short-grass pastures, weedy fields, grasslands, agricultural areas, swampy thickets, orchards, and right-of-way corridors. Shrikes occupy sites that contain hedgerows, scattered trees or shrubs, and utility wires or fence posts. They use these features as perches. Nests are often located in trees or shrubs bearing thorns. Some preferred species include, hawthorns (Crataegus spp.), osage orange (Maclura pomifera), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) may also be used for nesting. Similar habitats are occupied year-round.
Loggerhead shrikes are opportunistic predators. They consume insects, small mammals, songbirds, snakes, frogs, lizards, and even small turtles. In summer, shrikes eat a large number of insects, small mammals, and songbirds. In winter, small mammals and songbirds comprise most of their diet.
Shrikes hunt from perches like fence posts and telephone wires. They perch high above their habitat to look for prey. When prey is sighted shrikes pounce on and kill it instantly.
Since shrikes lack talons they utilize thorns and other sharp objects to impale their prey. They use these sharp objects to anchor and immobilize their prey when they feed on them. Impaling prey allows shrikes to cache or store food and catch prey that would otherwise be to large to handle.
Life Cycle
Life Cycle
Loggerhead shrikes occupy large territories that are vigorously defended. During courtship males perform aerial displays and deliver food to potential mates. Male and female shrikes gather nesting material, but the female always builds the nest. The female builds the nest in a thorny shrub or tree that provides cover. Nests are constructed of twigs, weeds, bark, and are lined with grasses, lichens, moss, string, hair, or feathers.
In mid-April females lay 5 to 6 brown speckled-white eggs. She starts to incubate after the first egg is laid. She incubates the eggs for 16 to 20 days. The male provides all the food during this period. The young hatch asynchronously, or in the order that they are laid. This adaptation results in young that are staggered in ages. During years when prey is limited only the oldest and strongest young may survive. When the young hatch the females broods them closely. They are born blind and naked, or altricial, and are completely dependent on the adults. At 17 to 21 days old the young leave the nest but are still unable to fly. By 30 days the young fledge or fly for the first time. After fledging the young practice catching prey and learn skills that they will use for the rest of their life. They are fed by the adults for an additional 3 to 4 weeks after they fledge. Juvenile shrikes breed the following spring.
Scientific Classification
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata
- Class: Aves
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Laniidae
- Genus: Lanius
- Species: L. ludovicianus