Libellula auripennis

Type: invertebrate

Status: special concern

Species Guide

Golden-winged skimmer

Libellula auripennis

Species Type: invertebrate

Conservation Status: special concern


Ranging from 2.0”-2.1” in length, this species is a beautiful orange and red skimmer.  Mature males’ face, front of thorax, wing veins and abdomen are orange with red stigmas. Noticeable on juveniles of both sexes are pale lateral stripes. The lower hind legs are black.

Distribution & Habitat

The golden-winged skimmer can be found at inland ponds and pits with sandy bottoms. It has been found at only a few locations in the southern portion of New Jersey in the coastal plain.


The adults prey on all types of flying insects including small dragonflies and butterflies.

Life Cycle

While the golden-winged skimmer can be most often seen during July and August, adults are active from mid May to early October.

Current Threats, Status, and Conservation

The golden-winged skimmer is considered a species of Special Concern in New Jersey due to its limited known population.


Text derived from the book, Field Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies of New Jersey. 2009. By Allen E. Barlow and Jim Bangma.

Edited and updated by Larissa Smith in 2011.

Scientific Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Order: Odonata
  • Family: Libellulidae
  • Genus: Libellula
  • Species: L. auripennis