The Skylands

The Northwest, AKA the Skylands

The Skylands Region boasts the highest point of the state and is an ideal spot to explore the best of the great outdoors with numerous parks, reserves, and over 72 miles of the Appalachian Trail.

The Bobcat Project

In a landscape largely devoid of major predators, bobcats are a throwback to the wild animals that once ruled our forests. In many ways, they embody New Jersey’s spirit of the wilderness.

The Bog Turtle Project

Historically, bog turtles ranged from upstate New York through Georgia and as far west as Tennessee; however, continued development and habitat degradation has destroyed much of the bog turtles’ habitat.

The Golden-winged Warbler Project

The state-endangered golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) uses young forest habitat to forage, mate and rear their young.

The Brook Trout Project

Brook trout are an indicator species, meaning when they are present it is a good sign of a healthy stream system. Populations have reduced due to many reasons, including manipulated stream habitats and elevated water temperatures.