Photo from the Office
Doane Academy students help feed the woodrats

After reading our September 1st blog post about the endangered Allegheny woodrat and the supplemental feeding program, Bonnie Smith, a teacher at Doane Academy in Burlington, NJ called her students into action. The lower grades (Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades) began collecting beech seeds on the school grounds during their regularly scheduled nature discovery class. Over the course of several weeks, Bonnie and her students were able to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of seeds that will be used to supplemental feed the Allegheny woodrats this winter. Yesterday, here in Trenton, we received that package of beech seed nuts. It warms my heart knowing that the actions of these kids will go a long way in helping the woodrats survive in New Jersey this winter. Stay tuned into the blog as we follow these beech seeds as they make their way from Trenton to the Palisades and hopefully into the bellies of the woodrats this winter.