

by MacKenzie Hall, Biologist

Robert Hergenrother, in his natural habitat.
Robert Hergenrother, in his natural habitat.

The Conserve Wildlife Foundation is a small staff with a lot going on.  If you glance through our conservation projects, you’ll see that volunteers have a role in almost everything we do.  This hardy fleet of dedicated helpers allows us to cover more ground, stretch our dollars, reach wider audiences, and continue our upward and outward evolution as a group.

We’ve featured a handful of people on our Volunteer Profiles page so far, with Robert Hergenrother being the most recent.  We enjoy learning more about their unique backgrounds and interests and hope you’ll check them out, too.  

Thank you to ALL of our wonderful volunteers!

One thought on “Volunteers!

  1. Get post MacKenzie! Our work would not be possible without volunteers like Robert!! Kudos Robert, for the most valuable donation to CWF, your time!!

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