NJ Eagle Cams

A peek into the lives of Nesting Bald Eagles

by Larissa Smith, CWF Biologist

Duke Farms female November 22, 2019
screen shot taken by Diane Cook

Bald Eagles all over New Jersey are starting to work on their nests for the upcoming nesting season. The next few months are a good time to get outdoors and spot eagles. Wintering eagles will be in NJ during the next few months as well as the NJ nesting pairs. You can also keep an eye on eagles from the comfort and warmth of your home via eagle cams on the CWF website.

Duke Farms pair November 12, 2019-screen shot Diane Cook

CWF in partnership with Duke Farms has a hosted the Duke Farms eagle cam since 2008. The Duke Farms pair has become a popular cam as viewers watch the highs and lows of the pairs nesting seasons over the years. Eagle Project Volunteer Diane Cook reports that the pair has been bringing sticks to the nest in preparation for nesting. She has even seen a great horned owl around the nest (you can watch the cam at the night). In the past this pair has laid their eggs in mid-February, as we get closer to that date you’ll be able to see the pair at the nest with more frequency.

Mercer County Eagle Cam December 5th, 2019
screen shot Buynie

The Mercer County eagle cam is located at a former bald eagle nest near a lake in Mercer County. In 2019 the pair didn’t use this nest and built a new nest nearby. Despite not being used for nesting, numerous bald eagles have been seen using it as a roost and feeding perch. The cam also frequently captures eagles flying and roosting in the distance between the nest and the lake. On December 5th, Eagle Project volunteers Kevin and Karin Buynie saw an adult eagle on the nest. We don’t know if this is transient eagle or one of the nesting pair. We’ll have to wait and see if the pair returns to this nest in 2020.

Made possible through the generous support of PSE&G, the Mercer County Eagle Cam is a partnership between Mercer County Parks, Conserve Wildlife Foundation, and the Wildlife Center Friends.

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