Brewing Partnerships: The Osprey

Partnerships were crucial in the early days of ospreys being listed as endangered in New Jersey in the early 1970s. From public utility companies installing tall nest platforms on coastal saltmarshes to non-profit organizations purchasing land for preservation. Today, they are still the life blood of osprey conservation, fifty years later. One partnership that has been brewing, quite literally, over the past several months was a collaboration and beer from Twin Elephant Brewing Company. They had this small batch beer called: The Osprey and they wanted it to help make a difference for the namesake of the beer, so they decided to partner with Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ to support our osprey conservation efforts.

Clean water and air equal a clean and healthy environment. A healthy coastal environment means a booming shore economy. Ospreys and humans can thrive along our human dominated landscape. They are the only raptor in the world that nests in high densities in close proximity to people. Ospreys are also an indicator species and their health reflects the health of the local environment.

“The osprey, a global raptor with razor sharp talons, super keen eyesight, and incredible flight skills, is a vital indicator of aquatic health. For over 20 years, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ has been dedicated to ensuring New Jersey’s ospreys thrive. Twin Elephant is proud to support CWF’s efforts to protect ospreys and habitats they depend on.”

The Osprey beer rolled out a few weeks ago at their brewery and cans for distribution. They also made some osprey shirts, which you can order from their website. We are excited to build this partnership with Twin Elephant Brewing Company and really appreciate their support of our wildlife conservation projects!

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