Photo From the Field: Feisty Female Falcon

One Might Ask, Aren’t all Falcons Feisty?

by Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager

Earlier this week we visited two urban falcon eyries to band young for future tracking. Both bandings were streamed live on our Facebook page. Here at the Elizabeth eyrie, BD/73 showed us who rules the roost! We have a feeling that we’ll be seeing her again sometime in the future!

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  1. Fantastic photo, Ben! And well done to all of you with the banding this week. Will you be banding the young ‘uns at Sedge? Curious as to how Junior is. Thanks.

  2. Oh! I love it! You go girl! I spend a lot of time as an eagle volunteer, but I so enjoy watching these adorable little falcon eyas on my screen! Also love Ben’s blogs and the comments from fellow raptor lovers.
    So happy to see a photo of Junior thriving at his new home on Sedge. Gotta love these peregrines. Thanks to all!

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