Partnership is key!
CWF provides assistance for recovery of osprey in Illinois
by Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager

Besides working to protect and manage New Jersey’s osprey, we also consult with organizations throughout the country to assist with other ongoing recovery projects. One particular project is in Ilinois. Here the osprey is listed as endangered and recovery has been slow. Last year a long-term recovery project was started and we provided assistance by mapping suitable nest platform locations along the Kankakee River at the Exelon Generation/Dresdan Station (SW of Chicago). The recovery project has a huge amount of support and partners. This was how our osprey recovery project was so successful in the 1980s, by partnering with many different organizations. We provided technical guidance on platform construction and installation to Michael Campbell (System Engineer at Exelon). Michael led the hack box construction effort and assisted with building/installing nesting platforms at the Dresdan Station. A total of ten young ospreys were successfully hacked this year. The young were collected at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia and driven to IL. Michael was awarded for his efforts to help the osprey recover in Illinois and we are honored that he chose Conserve Widlife Foundation as a receipent for a $3,750 grant! Thank you!
Looking to help make a difference? We provide recources for you to help our ospreys in New Jersey. We offer technical assistance to private consulting firms, individuals, school groups, environmental commissions, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and anyone else who is interested in constructing and installing osprey nesting structures.
In New Jersey, we work with the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife to help manage and monitor a very large database of existing nesting structures. We can help you choose the most suitable location to place a platform so it will not negatively impact any other species that live in the coastal area of the state. We can provide maps, platform plans (see link below), and in some cases an actual platform. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or if you have a question.
- Learn more about the Illinois Osprey Recovery Project
- Check out our Osprey Platform Plans
- How to construct an osprey platform
- Watch us install an osprey platform!