Join CWF Staff for this virtual information session about the Species on the Edge 2.0 Conservation Challenge. This is where you can ask questions to biologists who work with rare wildlife in New Jersey before registering your team and to help develop your project.
As Director of Education & Outreach for Great Swamp Watershed Association, 2017 Women & Wildlife Education Award Honoree Hazel England has spent 24 years as an enthusiastic environmental educator and naturalist in New Jersey, bringing education programs to students and teachers of all ages about our local ecosystems and habitats. Her work focuses on providing powerful learning experiences for educators, encouraging youths to explore and understand New Jersey’s incredible biodiversity, and partnering with agencies to open up more environmental opportunities for students of all ages.
Since 2004, Ms. England has dedicated herself to developing, coordinating, and implementing a wide variety of educational and stewardship programs and activities at the Great Swamp Watershed Association as the Director of Outreach and Education. She currently focuses on creating programs about water quality and conservation, ranging from curriculum development, to watershed-wide issues, to local resident workshops. Continue reading “GREAT SWAMP WATERSHED ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR HAZEL ENGLAND HONORED FOR EDUCATION EFFORTS”
Anyone who has ever explored their artistic side knows that when you draw something, you understand it better. In order to successfully represent the intricacies of the subject, you have to study it and become invested in the details of its existence. When you’re bringing a concept, real or imagined, to life on paper, you familiarize yourself with it. And everyone knows that the more you seek to understand something, the more you can appreciate it. Continue reading “High School Junior Teaches Art and Raises Funds for CWF”
The 2017 Species on the Edge Art and Essay contest drew in more than 2,500 entries from students throughout New Jersey. This contest is designed to empower 5th grade students through the arts by writing a creative essay and drawing an original art piece of a threatened or endangered New Jersey species. Continue reading “Species on the Edge Contest Art on Display at D&R Greenway Land Trust”
Past winners of Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest recently joined us at Jenkinson’s Aquarium for a fun and educational tour. Our guide, Carol, gave students a behind-the-scenes look at the many animals, including the opportunity to get up close and personal at the touch tank.