Track the Bald Eagle’s Triumphant Return to New Jersey
Updated Story Map Showcases Bald Eagle Nest Locations from 1985-2015
by Brian Henderson, GIS Specialist

Our story map The Return of Bald Eagles in New Jersey has been updated based on the 2015 Bald Eagle Project Report. The story map shows the locations of every eagle nest known to be active (meaning they laid eggs) in New Jersey since 1985 — the year when there was only a single nest in the entire state. The map presents an animated depiction of where eagles have nested each year, so you can track the bald eagle’s triumphant return to the Garden State! Viewing the animation shows you how eagle nests spread from a single point in Cumberland County across all of New Jersey through the years.
The story map also highlights a number of Feature Nests which include more detailed information about the projects underway at specific nests, such as the Duke Farm nest which has been featured on our EagleCam since 2008.
The number of nesting pairs of bald eagles has steadily increased each year. This trend continued in 2015 with a record 150 active pairs, which was a slight increase over 146 such pairs recorded in 2014. In 2015, there were 122 nests that successfully fledged at least one young compared to 115 successful nests in 2014 and the 199 total young fledged in 2015 was only slightly less than the record 201 young fledged in 2014.

Learn More:
- Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s updated story map The Return of Bald Eagles in New Jersey
- 2015 New Jersey Bald Eagle Project Report
- Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s Bald Eagle Project
- Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s online field guide: Bald Eagle
Brian Henderson is the GIS Specialist for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.