New Horseshoe Island Video Highlights Nesting and Migratory Bird Protection Efforts
by Todd Pover, Senior Wildlife Biologist
Earlier this year we announced that Horseshoe Island, which recently formed just offshore near Little Egg Inlet, would be seasonally closed to the public to benefit nesting and migratory birds. The closure from March 1 to September 30 is part of a plan put forth by New Jersey Fish and Wildlife and the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, who were granted rights by the state to manage the island and its adjacent intertidal waters. CWF played a key role, helping monitor bird activity on the island this year through a cooperative agreement with the Refuge. With the closure period coming to an end, we are happy to report that it was a successful season, especially for colonial nesting species such as the state endangered black skimmer. A full report of the results will be issued later this year but in the meantime, NJFW has released a video about Horseshoe Island. The video features CWF biologists Todd Pover and Emmy Casper, who helped lead the on-the-ground monitoring effort.
Click below to view the video.
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Wonderful video! It’s very exciting to see all these endangered species thriving on this newly formed island. Hopefully people will continue to adhere to the signs and stay away so Nature can do what it does best when left undisturbed.
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