“Scout Central” at the 2015 New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo
CWF to serve as “Scout Central” and Host Bat House and Rain Barrel Workshops at this year’s WILD Expo
by Lindsay McNamara, Communications Manager

The 2015 New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo, a free event designed for visitors to discover ways to appreciate and enjoy the outdoors, will be held on Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, September 13, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area in Jackson Township, Ocean County.
This year, Conserve Wildlife Foundation will be holding two exciting and worth-while workshops, “Build a Bat House” and “Make a Rain Barrel.” Help us provide safe roosting and maternity sites for bats being evicted from buildings through our “Build a Bat House” workshop! The bat houses built at the Expo will become part of an Eagle Scout Service Project benefiting Conserve Wildlife Foundation.

Join us in our activity tent for Conserve Wildlife Foundation merchandise, discounts on membership and activities for Boy and Girl Scouts. The Conserve Wildlife Foundation tent will serve as “Scout Central” at this year’s event. Stop by for important scout information, handouts and activities. For a list of Boy and Girl Scout activities at this year’s Expo, visit our website.

Learn more:
- 2015 New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo
- Free Boy and Girl Scout Activities at the 2015 WILD Expo
- 2015 WILD Expo Event Schedule
Lindsay McNamara is the Communications Manager for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.