Over the past 3 months, CWF biologists along with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) New Jersey Field Office staff have been working late into the night to survey for bats in the Pinelands. Each survey begins just before sunset with the setup of large, nearly invisible nets stretched across wooded corridors. As night falls, bats emerge from their day roosts and fly through the sky to their foraging grounds. From sunset until 2 am, the team checks the nets every 10 minutes, carefully extracting any bat captured in the net for identification, weighing, and measurement.
Bands, like the one in this photo, help us to determine how fidelic bats are to their foraging and breeding areas.
During the past two months, CWF biologists have spent many late nights surveying for bats in the Pinelands! A typical survey night starts just before sundown with setting up expansive nets across corridors in the woods. In the dark, these fine threaded nets are nearly invisible to bats and the occasional flying squirrel or whip-poor-will. As the sun sets, the bats emerge, rushing through the sky to their foraging grounds. Every ten minutes, from sunset till 2am, the nets are checked, and any captured bats are safely extracted to then be identified, weighed, and measured.
Over the course of ten nights during the 2022 summer mist netting surveys, 79 bats were captured! That’s 30 more bats than were captured in 2021 in the same area of the Pinelands! Unfortunately, none of our target species like Northern long-eared bat or little brown bat were captured. Even though our survey goals were not met, there was still some exciting news throughout the season like recaptured bats from previous survey years. One recaptured bat was banded in 2018 which provides some insight into how site fidelic these bats can be to their foraging and breeding areas!
Congratulations, Edana Lobsco and Matthew Sullivan!
by Lindsay McNamara, Communications Manager
Earlier in 2016, Conserve Wildlife Foundation launched the “For the Love of Wildlife” Photo Contest. Our photography contest was meant to showcase the love for and need to protect the endangered and threatened wildlife that call New Jersey home. We encouraged youth and adult photographers across the Garden State to submit photographs in the following categories:
New Jersey’s Rarest Residents: Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Wildlife Species Only
The Garden State: New Jersey Landscapes
Experiencing Nature: People Enjoying the Outdoors
Wild New Jersey: All Animals in the Garden State
We were blown away by the amount of submissions we received! Over 1,470 entries were counted! New Jersey wildlife photographers, CWF board members and staff poured over the entries to choose our winners. Today, we are thrilled to announce both third place winners.
Edana Lobosco: Youth Photographer
Highland Lakes, New Jersey
“Frog in Hands”
Youth Third Place Winner Edana Lobosco “Frog in Hands”
In an interview with CWF, Edana said, “Thank you so much for picking my photo and giving me a chance to show off my photography!! I took this photo on the Appalachian Trail in Vernon, New Jersey, my friend scooped him up and it was a perfect photo op! I’ve been taking nature photos since the first time I ever picked up a camera. It started with just my mom’s flowers in her garden, and now whenever I’m outside I never forget my camera. There’s so many beautiful creatures in New Jersey, I don’t know if I can choose a favorite! I love watching the painted turtles in my lake sunbathe, and I love the variety of wildflowers that grow around the Garden State!”
Matthew Sullivan: Adult Photographer
Lambertville, New Jersey
Northern Gray Treefrog
Third Place Winner Matthew Sullivan Northern Gray Treefrog
Matthew says, “Treefrog breeding season is one of my favorite times of year in New Jersey. I was out looking to get this shot of a Pine Barrens Treefrog instead, but none of the ones I found would call no matter how long I sat there. This gray treefrog though was more than willing to sing loudly for me, I just had to time it right and after a few tries, I got my shot. I’ve been seriously photographing nature for 6 or 7 years now, but have been outside looking for wildlife since I was old enough to walk. My personal favorite animals in New Jersey are the reptiles and amphibians, even more specifically, Pine Barrens Treefrogs, Timber Rattlesnakes, and Eastern Hognoses.”
Stay Tuned as we announce the second place winners of the “For the Love of Wildlife” Photo Contest over the next few days!
Lindsay McNamara is the Communications Manager for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.
I met with pilot John Whimberg and we flew south to Woodbine to pick up Kathy. From there we proceeded south towards the Delaware Bay. We were searching for existing nests to determine if they are active or not and if they had young. Most of these nests were not accessible to the Bald Eagle Project volunteers who watch nests during the nesting season. Here is a summary of what we found:
13 nests checked (searched for an additional 3 nests around Heislerville).
We documented 3 chicks in 1 nest, and 2 chicks in 3 nests. (chick ages in the 3 to 4 week range).
Six nests had adults sitting close (on eggs or possibly hatchlings).
Three nests already failed.
Kathy believes that the failure rate may be a bit higher this year because of the extreme cold weather we had in February, which is when most birds are incubating or have hatchlings. Overall the eagle population has done quite well in recent years, so if there is any reduction in productivity it should not affect the long term trend in the growth of their population.
One of the most amazing things that anyone flying above the ground in New Jersey can see is how much forested land we still have. Many bald eagles nest very close to people and near water. Preserving this habitat is essential to the long term sustainability of the bald eagle population in New Jersey.
We are lucky to have in-kind support from the NJ Forest Fire Servicewho donated their time and equipment for us to complete this important survey. We thank them for their support of the Bald Eagle Project!
A bird sitting tight means that it is still incubating.
This holiday season, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey asked our friends, supporters and volunteers, What is special about NJ’s wildlife to you? Why are you thankful for New Jersey’s wildlife? Friends of wildlife shared their thoughts by tweeting us, leaving us a comment on our Facebook page or sending us an email at info@conservewildlifenj.org. We encouraged everyone to use: #thanksnjwildlife Here is a collection of some of the responses we received:
Bill Nigh on Twitter shared that “wildlife gives me perspective.”
Judy Floam wrote over e-mail, “I only spend one week a year in New Jersey (at the beach) but I love to watch the gulls and sandpipers, and go on seine netting expeditions at Island Beach State Park.”
“Why are we thankful for New Jersey’s wildlife? Each and every creature is special to us although the coyote and the bats have a special place in our hearts. We’re grateful to the bats for keeping insect pests at bay and enjoy watching them leave their roost at dusk. Amazing. The coyotes are very musical and we appreciate their part in balancing nature. We’re grateful that the staff and volunteers at Conserve Wildlife work diligently to protect natural habitats. Thank you!”
— Joe & Linda Jedju shared through e-mail.
“Is this really New Jersey? It’s a question I have asked myself numerous times while living in NJ but never so much as over the last three years. It was three years ago that we purchased a small house on a lake in Sussex County. The waters of the lake are pristine and they teem with beavers, herons, numerous waterfowl, and too many different fish to mention. We watch amazing sunsets over the Appalachian Trail. We sit awe struck as foxes and bears routinely traverse our yard. Hummingbirds and beautiful finches occupy our yard and the wildflowers that grow there. We have watched as Bald Eagles circle high above and slowly spiral down to snatch a fish from the surface of the lake. We have sat in the cool evenings and watched the Milky Way appear as a swath of white across a darkening night sky. We watch as some of our endangered friends the bats dance crazy patterns in the night air, feasting on insects. Is this really NJ? Is it the stereotype of landfills, factories, pollution, and exits on the Parkway? Most definitely not! The rich diversity of animal and plant life leave us awe struck on a daily basis. I could also go on and on about our beautiful shoreline, Island Beach State Park, the Pine Barrens, and numerous other ecosystems that make our state so incredible. NJ’s amazing Wildlife is not limited to amusement parks and bars!
— David Claeys shared his story over e-mail.
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