A Tribute to Bobby “Twist” Jetton: 2020 Barnegat Light Osprey Cam

by Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager

During the peak of my field season last year I exchanged emails with a kind man who reported terrapins nesting in his yard. He wanted to do everything he could to ensure their success. A couple weeks later Bobby reached out to say how much him and mom loved the Barnegat Light Osprey Cam and how “the birds generally wake her up before her alarm.” He also mentioned how she delayed gardening because “dad is due with a fish any minute now. I’m just waiting to note the time then I’ll go play.” She was contributing observations of prey deliveries for research we conducted at the BL Osprey Cam last summer.

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Backyard Safari:Cricket Combat

You don’t have to travel far to see amazing wildlife. Our Backyard Safari video series will show you stunning perspectives on wildlife living right in your neighborhood.

Join producer Matt Wozniak for a new adventure each week. This week, Cricket Combat will have you on the edge of your seat. You might not know it, but crickets are fierce fighters! Their pitched one-on-one battles can take place just steps from your back door. 

Continue reading “Backyard Safari:Cricket Combat”

Lights, Camera, Action: Conserve Wildlife Foundation Releases New Video

New Video Showcases CWF’s Work to Protect the Garden State’s Wildlife

By: Lindsay McNamara, Communications Manager

Conserve Wildlife Foundation is thrilled to release a new video as an “introduction” to our work, keeping New Jersey’s wildlife in our future! We are a private, non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of New Jersey’s endangered and threatened wildlife and the habitats they depend on.


As the video demonstrates, we utilize science, research, wildlife management, habitat restoration, education and volunteer stewardship to help conserve and protect a variety of at-risk species of wildlife in New Jersey, the most densely populated state in the nation.


The video was produced by Tyler Grimm, a video intern with Conserve Wildlife Foundation.


Want to get involved? Learn more about Conserve Wildlife Foundation on our website.


Lindsay McNamara is the Communications Manager for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.