Injured Eagle Flying Once Again
…thanks to help from some friends.
By: Larissa Smith, CWF Biologist
On August 20th, 2018 a resident of Monmouth Beach reported a young eagle that had been perching in the neighborhood and was possibly injured. NJ Eagle Project Volunteer Randy Lubischer, was able to respond and check out the situation. The bird was a hatch year eagle, which means it fledged during this nesting season. The eagle was feeding on a swan carcass and though Randy could get fairly close, the bird was able to fly a short distance and appeared to have an injury to its left leg. The eagle had been seen feeding on the swan carcass for the past few days, so it was assumed that its injury was keeping it from hunting and the bird would only get weaker over time.

Randy returned the next day, and with assistance from Jon Palombi, they were able to capture the eagle and transport it to The Raptor Trust. It was determined that the eagle was a male and had a fracture to the femur. After being examined by a veterinarian it was decided to let the fracture heal on its own. Blood work results showed an infection, so he was started on antibiotics. By the end of September he was more alert and also able to use his foot better. By Mid-October he was fully recovered and ready for release.

On October 18, 2108 he was banded with a NJ green band E/70 and a silver federal band before being released. The release site was at Hartshorne Woods Park, which is just north of Monmouth Beach where he was found. Thanks to Randy, Jon, Chris Soucy, Cathy Malock with the Raptor Trust, Kathy Clark ( NJDEP ENSP) and all involved, this eagle dubbed “Braveheart”, was given a second chance.
Thank You!
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Thanks to all of the dedicated volunteers involved in saving Braveheart.
Go Braveheart!!!
Thank you for all your wonderful work! You guys ROCK!
What a great success story! Excellent photos too! 🙂
I had to share this wonderful success story! Great job guys and thank you for all you do,
Wonderful story and superb photos! What a beautiful boy–so lucky that many took notice of his injury! Hopefully this juvenile will beat the odds now that he is healthy, and survive his first, toughest year as a grown eagle!
I am happy and proud to see people that care about our wildlife in our local community and are willing to take the time to care for these beautiful creatures. My cousin RANDY LUBISCHER takes great pride in talking and taking pictures of many of our birds in NJ. Great job by all who were involved!!
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